In order to make maintaining your home and garden a little easier, continue reading to discover a few handy home and garden hacks which you’ll want to use straight away!
Home and Garden Hacks:
1. Use lemon juice to help disinfect your home’s surfaces
It’s well worth squeezing a little bit of lemon juice on to a cleaning cloth in order to thoroughly disinfect your home’s surfaces such as your kitchen countertops and your dining table. You can even try squirting lemon juice onto a cloth or sponge as well as traditional cleaning products.
As an added benefit, using lemon juice as a handy DIY disinfectant will help your home smell fresh and clean and will leave a pleasant aroma, which will linger in your home long after you’ve finished cleaning.
2. Use wooden or plastic stakes to support vine based plants
If you don’t want vine based plants such as beans and tomatoes to break, place a few wooden or plastic stakes in your soil so that you’ll be able to gently tie your plants’ vines to your stakes. Which should help your vine based plants continue to grow healthily without any problems.
3. Make sure to choose plant varieties which suit the area which you live in
As an example, if you live in a windy area there’s no point growing delicate plants which are unlikely to survive, instead you may want to opt for tussock varieties which can stand up to gale force wind. If you’re unsure of the types of plants which are likely to thrive in your area’s conditions, simply conduct a simple google search to find a few suggestions which you may find helpful and may be tempted to purchase.
4. Keep a dust buster style handheld vacuum cleaner in your kitchen
If you don’t fancy vacuum cleaning your kitchen on a daily basis, do yourself a huge favor and keep a dust buster style handheld vacuum cleaner in your kitchen. As if you spill food on the ground such as crumbs, you’ll be able to use your handheld vacuum cleaner to clean up the mess which you’ve made in just a few seconds.
5. Place a teaspoon of baking soda in your can remove washing machine before you wash a load of clothing
If you want your white clothes to come out looking whiter, it’s well worth experimenting with placing a small teaspoon of baking soda in your washing machine, before you start a load. As baking soda contains properties which can help get rid of stains and dirt and color pigmentation from your clothes.
6. Fill clear water bottles and leave them around your garden to stop wild animals from destroying your garden
In order to effectively discourage animals such as cats and raccoons from entering and destroying your garden when you’re not around place a few clear water bottles around your garden. As they will deter most pests from entering your precious garden.
Alternatively, you can awesomely discourage animals from hanging around your garden by placing fake animals with holographic eyes around your garden.
Hopefully, you’ve discovered at least one hack which you’ve never come across before and which you’re excited to test out.
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