With myriads of software and scripts available, setting up an online store is no longer difficult. Securing your online store from hackers, frauds and security breaches is a different kettle of fish.
Here are tips to help keep your online store secure.
1. Keep your e-commerce software regularly updated
New hacking methods are developed regularly to steal data from online businesses. Whenever a new hacking method or threat is discovered, programmers release an update to combat the threat. It is your responsibility to install the updates for your online shop. This will keep your business safe.
2. Regularly test your online store for vulnerability
Constantly scan your site for vulnerabilities. Most credit card processing companies insist that retailers meet this requirement. When testing your website, make sure that hackers have not introduced malware into content provided by third parties. You should also check the tools that run on your website, particularly Cross-site scripting to identify vulnerabilities in your code.
3. Host properly
To a large extent, the security of your website rests in the hands of your website host. Keeping up with the updates in website security by making sure that your website, domain and checkout systems are protected by a strong SSL certificate.
4. Have a secure backup plan
As much as data protection and web security are important, it is more important to have a fall-back plan in case of an attack. When this happens, you can avoid the risk of losing your data. There are many secure data centres that provide secure storage for both big and small businesses. Investing in secure cloud data protection and remote storage can save your business in the long run and provide peace of mind during an attack.
5. Know your customers
Not everyone who comes to your website is there to buy a product or make a transaction. Some are there to look for the loopholes they can take advantage of. Therefore, it is important that you put a strong trust and verify policy in place. Make sure you enable an address verification system on your online store and that customers are required to put in their CVV number before any card transaction is processed.
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